Sometimes, I produce music. I also have plans for a very ambitious flash project, but nothing to produce it in. I also write books, movie scripts, practice muai thai, play video games, all while still in college. It makes me feel proud of myself.

Kyle Johnson @legoland12342

Age 32, Male

If only, if only...

High School

Washington, United States

Joined on 10/8/05

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A Reflection of the Past Year

Posted by legoland12342 - January 1st, 2008

On a note before I get started, I live in the United States of North America, so I'll be referencing events that specifically happened to the US of NA, mmmkay? So, last year was a real mess, if you think about it. Or so everybody thinks. People tend to overreact when it comes to things that are highly debateable nowadays. I'll just run through a few things that happened in the past year.
1. Al Gore declared, quite proudly, that by 2012, it'll be too late to save the world, and then went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize for his "work." No, not the Nobel Stupidity Prize, the Peace one. I'm just wondering how complaining about how humans have screwed up the environment can win you something as pretigious as that. I mean, if it was that easy, I would have done it by now, for Pete's sake (who is Pete, and why do we use that phrase anyways?), but no, because I'm just another face in the crowd, I don't get noticed at all.
2. It was the year of the OS (operating system for the non-technically minded) this year. After the long wait, Vista came out in January, and it was every bit as buggy as people expected it to be. Although, ironically, the author of this post is using XP Pro at the moment (go figure). Several versions of Mac OS X were released, yet there still is an entire generation of Mac users who are waiting for their first exclusive game. KDE (a Linux desktop enviro) 4.0 was released, not on time, along with another version of Ubuntu. Linux still remains at the bottom for share of the computing market, which won't change for several years.
3. Jack Thompson unsucessfully tried to stop the release of Manhunt 2, after it was downgraded from AO to M. Clive Barker's Jericho was also banned in Germany for excessive violence, I believe. The Wii is still suffering from system shortages, but the DS still is managing to outsell the 360 and the Wii (whether or not combined, I don't want to say), and Sony posted massive losses...until they dropped the price on the 40GB PS3, and stopped making it at the same time (anyone else get the connection there?).
4. Revolutions, assassinations, and utter chaos, oh my! The monks in Myanmar unsucessfully revolted against the resident dictator there, and Iraq remained the bucket of quicksand it's been for a while. In the closing days of 2007, Benazir Butto was assassinated, giving the bored conspiracy theorists something to talk about while we looted their houses. America still disagreed over Iraq, but we seem to be agreeing that almost everyone hates our current president (I however, support him, even though I've been a Democrat for the longest time).
5. And lastly, the natural disasters section. California was turned into toast for quite some time over the summer/fall, and FEMA still did what they were expected of: nothing. Apparently, the majority of the wildfires were started by people, not global warming/irregular weather patterns (stick that in your pipe and smoke it, environmentalists) as most believed. The Northeast was hit by some very cold weather and a lot of snow, making all of the poor schmucks stay in one place for a while, and even Texas and Oklahoma got some snow (global warming my foot), and here in the grand state of Minnesota, we had the most snow on Christmas in over 50 years. And one of our bridges collapsed, sending the conspiracy theorists into an uproar, and making a bunch of people with too much time go around and make executive desicions on the quality of bridges like: Awesome, Great, Good, Not Good, The Elmer's Glue isn't working, and ZOMG!!11!.

That's all, folks.


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